We Offer The Simplest Hosting Solutions - Psalm138

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Web domain & Hosting
Domain name ( .com or any country-specific) setup and domain creation will be the responsibility of the client.  Domain hosting is also the responsibilty of the client. It will also be the responsibilty of the client to install the created webpages on to their domain setup if the domain is not hosted and/or maintained by Psalm 138.

However, Psalm 138 can suggest a hosting company or can provide a hosting plan at extra cost of US$35 per month or a sub-domain website hosting plan at a low rate of US$25 per month which would include website maintenance.  These could be the preferred approaches for setup and proper  website maintenance.  

Please note that all our webpages, websites and domain and/or sub-domain hostings are setup under LINUX plans for extra protection against virus and/or hacking intrusions.

All Webpages and e-LAMP CMS database are accessible from any workstation such as Windows, Apple, Raspberry Pi (or any other Linux-based workstation).

Please note that these website hosting plans are separate from the CMS e-LAMP database hosting plan detailed below.
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