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We are a systems integrator group.

We specialize in bringing together component web-based sub-systems into a whole package and ensuring that those sub-systems function together. We are good at matching our customers’ needs with our existing products.

We offer turnkey installations for:

Website analysis, design, creation and integration with Coral System's e-LAMP package.  

Toronto-based Coral System International Corporation is one of our strategic system engineering partners.

Coral System International Corporation's e-LAMP application runs on the elgg engine; Linux operating system; Apache server, MySql database and created with Php programming; hence e-LAMP. All of these apps are available as 'open source' and would translate to extra cost-savings for our clients .

Our e-LAMP package, which is included with every website setup and installation, consists of applications for private business "Activities" a facebook-like activities tracker , "Event Management" to manage company events and affairs , "Event Calendar" to view future activities at a glance , "Task Management" - a task tracking and management of work procedures and processes, "Department Groupings" - each department with their own unique group access, "Video Chat" - for personal video chatting, "Photo Albums" - a repository for company pictures, "Videos" - a repository for company videos, "Newsletters" - a repository for company newsletters, "Birthday" - a birthday tracker for company employees, "The Market" - a private company-wide buy and sell classified advertisement, "Pages" - a wiki-like page information creator, "The Wire" - a twitter-like company wide notification and much more. The e-LAMP can be used as a simple file repository. Each unique app is user-friendly and controlled by an administrator. Each user is profiled and each profile is user-designed. There are many other applications available on the e-LAMP and each installation is catered towards the customer's needs.

Our website installation and integration comes with a free domain name. Domain hosting is also provided with minimum maintenance for the client. We host our clients' domains with minimal cost. The cost-effective hosting is provided with a free domain name for life; so long as we host your site.

We offer a free logo and business card creation for the first design.

Nothing is left to chance.

Please contact our system engineers at:    or

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