Service and Design Rates and Fees - Psalm138

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LOGO & IDENTITY Graphics Design
Logo, Typography, Imagery and Colour Scheme
Research and concept development, presentation of 3-5 design options, 2 rounds of client and design revisions, preparation and delivery of original files
Process includes:
Time frame:
US$450 for 3-5 design options and 2 rounds of revisions. Additional revisions or redrawing of logos may result in a change order and additional fees (negotiable).  Please note these costs do not include licenses and/or logo and/or trademark and/or copyright registrations.  Client is responsible for these registrations with their proper government authority or authorities.
2 weeks for concept and design development; 1 week for revisions and final file preparation.

Business Cards, Letterhead, Envelopes, Mailing Cards
Process includes:
Research and concept development, presentation of 2-3 design options, 2 rounds of client and design revisions, preparation and delivery of original and document files
US$300 for 2-3 design options and 2 rounds of revisions. Additional revisions or requests for starting over will result in a change order and additional fees.
Time frame:
1 week for concept and design development 1 week for revisions and final file preparation
User and content analysis, navigation system creation, search engine optimization (SEO), design mock-ups and coding of website, testing of site pre- and post-launch.
Website Creation
US$150 for analysis, navigation system creation, search engine optimization and setup.  
US$750 for 1-2 design options and 2 rounds of revisions including coding of website.
Additional major revisions or requests for starting over may result in a change order and additional fees.  Minor revisions would be free and negotiable.
For logo creation, please refer to above quotation.
US$20 per stationary graphics creation.
US$25 per animated or moving and/or transitional graphics creation.  
For samples of logos, graphics (moving, transitional or stationary), please check the samples at our website here >>> or here >>> or from our sister companies here >>> or here >>>
Client-supplied graphics and pictures will be used as-is.  Any revisions will fall under the above fees.  However, Psalm 138 will attempt minor enhancements of  any graphics or pictures provided by the client to improve their appearance at no extra cost provided such enhancements are minor changes.
Webpages & Costs
Up to 6 web pages.  Additional webpages at $50 per page.  See our sample websites here >>> ; or here >>> ; or here >>> ; or here >>> ; or here >>>; or here >>>; or here >>>

Please note that all webpages will be "responsive" and mobile-enabled.  Each page will respond to the unit you're using; ie. laptop, desktop, tablet, smartphone, etc.
The webpages will be designed in English.  However, Psalm 138 will provide a language translator application for each page (if the client wishes) based on Google's free translation application. For a sample of a language translator, please click the sample translator from the samples below and click on 'Select Language' translator at the upper left-hand or right-hand corner.  Please note that only text items on the current webpage will be translated to the selected language.  Pictures and graphics will remain as-is.

See our sample language translators here >>> ; or here >>> ; or here >>> ; or here >>>; or here >>>; or here >>> .
Testing fees are all included and will be performed by Psalm 138.
Domain name ( .com or any country-specific) setup and domain creation will be the responsibility of the client.  Domain hosting is also the responsibilty of the client. It will also be the responsibilty of the client to install the created webpages on to their domain setup if the domain is not hosted and/or maintained by Psalm 138.

However, Psalm 138 can suggest a hosting company or can provide a hosting plan at extra cost of US$35 per month or a sub-domain website hosting plan at a low rate of US$25 per month which would include website maintenance.  These could be the preferred approaches for setup and proper  website maintenance.  

Please note that all our webpages, websites and domain and/or sub-domain hostings are setup under LINUX plans for extra protection against virus and/or hacking intrusions.

All Webpages and e-LAMP CMS database are accessible from any workstation such as Windows, Apple, Raspberry Pi (or any other Linux-based workstation).

Please note that these website hosting plans are separate from the CMS e-LAMP database hosting plan detailed below.
Web domain & Hosting
e-LAMP database repository and private social media system
Content Management System (CMS)
We will provide an optional CMS database repository (known as LAMP or e-LAMP ) for a low subscription rate of US$95 / month which will include free hosting and maintenance. Subscription will be provided free for the first month for adjustments and testing.   Please note that this is optional at the request of the client and also note that the fees required are extra and is not included with the fees charged for the website creation and / or website domain hosting.
e-LAMP database software
The e-LAMP includes the following:  
Members could create their own username and password and would register to login to the program.  The CMS will send an email verification to the username's email address to make sure the user is validated upon registration via the email they signed up with.
To save on cost without creating a separate domain, 'client' will be setup as a sub-domain under the domain of  (hence, and completely anonymous.  This link could be setup under client's own public setup.  The e-LAMP (CMS database and software) will remain  under the ownership of Coral System International Corporation, a sister company of Psalm 138 software systems and e-LAMP will be authorized for the use of the client.

The e-LAMP CMS database repository is unknown and its existence is very private which makes it obscure from the public eye.  

The e-LAMP database will have unlimited storage.

The e-LAMP  is running on the 'elgg' engine. The software engine is a very powerful software and used by these various organizations including NASA,  Harvard University, MIT, Stanford University among others. Check the list of some of the users here >>>

Elgg and all the applications that we use for this LAMP CMS are all open-source which is free of any fees or charges or licenses and that's the main reason we use it for our installs to keep the cost down.  Currently, it's been running for the last three years on two organizations – one church and one fraternal organization; plus two versions were installed also on two churches in the Philippines.  One version was setup for an advertising firm in San Francisco.

Having access to the e-LAMP is like having your own social media content management database system.
We branded our CMS repository as 'e-LAMP' ... an acronym for elgg, Linux, Apache, MySQL, Php ... or elgg software engine, Linux operating system, Apache server, MySQL database and written on Php programming;  therefore, it could be referred to as CMS, LAMP or the preferred e-LAMP.  

The following are featured on the e-LAMP:
Activity – similar to facebook
Avatar Wall ( members' pictures)
Groups – exclusive groupings can be created and only members of that group  could view or participate
Event – event management system
Files – files repository
Videos – videos repository
Photo Albums – photo albums and photos repository
Birthdays – birthday database
Blogs – members' blogs
Bookmarks – links repository
Live Streaming – live streaming
Members – members' profiles
Newsletters – mass mailings of newsletters to members
Pages – editable pages by members' corroboration
The Market – classified ads section
The Wire – similar to Twitter
Video chat – video chat
Chat – regular chat
Membership / Donation application  – keep track of membership fees and donations; this could be hooked up to paypal – requires client-paypal setup
        .. and many more features.
All these items and applications are fully customizable.

See sample LAMP logins here >>> ; or here >>>

Test this 'TROPA' site by logging in as '6etoad' as the username and 'tester' as the password (without the quotes, of course). You will be able to do a test run similar to the CMS or e-LAMP program you will get.

Please note that all CMS e-LAMP databases will be mobile-enabled.
2 weeks for analysis, navigation and SEO plus 2 weeks for design development.
1 week for post-launch testing and revisions
Client will provide clear instructions as to website’s desired audience, keywords and descriptions for search engine optimization (SEO).    
Client-content Responsibilities:

Additional materials, meetings, changes/fixes outside of those allotted above and below,  will be billed at US$35/hour.)
Terms:    This quotation is based on the information provided, and may be negotiable if additional information is forthcoming, or specifications change. It does not include printing, paper, licensing, copyright registrations, licenses or separate vendor charges. It is valid for 30 days.   50% invoiced immediately; remainder invoiced before delivery of final artwork.
Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
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